“Everyday is a second chance”, so let’s all use our time wisely and remember to love ourselves so we can also love the others around us. I hope you all had a great weekend and are now ready to begin one more wonderful Monday! This week the link up is over at My Travel Monkey, […]
Monday Escapes #16
It’s Monday but it’s ok, because Monday Escapes #16 is on! So grab your coffee, tea or whatever warm you like to drink and let’s get started, the link up is over here this week. From last week there are our favourites, this week there will be much more traveling the world without getting your […]
Monday Escapes #15
A new week has begun and exciting news comes with it: last week Monday Escapes reached over 80 links! It was a record so far, and we have all of you to thank for that. This week the link up will be hosted by My Travel Monkey, so go ahead and get linking. Before we […]
Monday Escapes #11
Time flies! Monday Escapes #11 has begun, and in week #10 we reached another milestone as we got over 60 links! Way to go everyone, we are very happy to know that you are enjoying linking up with us each Monday. I hope you all enjoy this brand new week that has just started (get […]
Monday Escapes #10
It’s Monday again, let’s escape together and visit wonderful places around the world with stories told by amazing bloggers who decided that being at home wasn’t enough! This week the link up is here over Packing my Suitcase, if you are a blogger, at the end of the post you can add your link, if […]
Monday Escapes #9
Mondays used to be just Mondays, but after remembering that every week at this same day so many travellers are united around here to share their stories on Monday Escapes, I can’t help but smile! So, let’s get going to our favourites and thank all the ones who have participated on the past weeks! THANK […]
Monday Escapes #8
Each one of us have our own reasons and motivations to travel, but in the end we will all have at least one thing in common: the urge to never stop traveling. In the past weeks we read amazing stories from all over the world, each one told in a different and special way. We […]
Monday Escapes #7
Our Mondays are becoming much more fun and sunnier don’t you think? This is all because of each one of you sharing your travels with us on #MondayEscapes. We are very happy and excited to start a new week filled with exciting posts to read and share. This week the link up party is over […]
Monday Escapes #6
Mark Twain once said: ‘Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.’ This quote is fitting for the little […]
Monday Escapes #5
Another wonderful Monday coming up! We are very happy to have new bloggers linking up with #MondayEscapes, as well as thankful to all the loyal ones from the past weeks. Each week is a new surprise and a new opportunity to travel the World with you, so get linking everyone, this week the party is […]