It is no secret that I love Stockholm, in fact, the second post of this blog was dedicated to the city. It was love at first sight, and I couldn’t hide it. The first time I visited the capital of Sweden I was impressed by what my eyes were seeing. Can a place like this […]
My top 5 destinations in the World
This week I accepted the challenge proposed by — Top Destinations to Go There, in which I had to pick 5 destinations I previously visited and recommend them to you. I have to confess that it was very hard to make up my mind when choosing from so many wonderful places. However, it is with […]
Stockholm: a Royal treasure in Europe
When you think about traveling around Europe what is the first place that comes into your mind? Let me guess, Paris? Rome? London? Maybe Venice? Exactly. What you don’t think about is that Europe has a lot more to offer; and on the search for other treasured places, you need to give it a try […]